Category: Music

Black and Gray Microphone

Say You Do – Ultra

Ultra was a British pop band that made their debut in 1998. Their debut single Say You Do reached number 11 in the UK charts and their self titled album was in the top 40. This song is super catchy and is on repeat on my playlist. Lyrics to the song are as follow: I […]

I Quit by Hepburn

Inspired by Audrey Hepburn, Hepburn is a four piece British Pop Rock Band which released it’s debut single I Quit in 1999. It peaked at number 8 of the UK singles chart. The song made it’s way into the soundtrack of the teen TV series Buffy The Vampire Slayer which resulted in a new video […]

Down The Rabbit Hole

Number 1 Enemy by Daisy Dares You

The week is almost over and a quick dive into my music memory. This catchy tune came out as the debut single by British artist, Daisy Dares You in collaboration with the British rapper Chipmunk. It hit the airwaves in 2010 and was in the top 20s. She did record an album, Rush which unfortunately […]

La Camisa Negra – Juanes

One of the rare Spanish songs that gained airplay in our radio in Malaysia. This only shows that music is a global language. Out of curiousity I only found out that the title meant The Black Shirt. I can’t make up my mind if La Camisa Negra or Volverte A Ver is my favourite track […]

Build Me Up Buttercup – The Foundations

I first heard of this song from the movie “There’s Something About Mary” starring Ben Stiller and Cameron Diaz. It was recently that I found out that the band was british and formed in Bayswater, London where I used to live after graduating from University and working for H&M. The Foundations was multiracial and scored […]

Happy Monday Folks!

Where did the weekend dissapeared to? Well, it is a sign of a weekend well spent. We attended a Birthday party at Trampoline Park, went to a local fair “Fete Foraine” near the kids school and bought stuff for the house. It is also the second weekend we spent in the house and we are […]

British Airways Flight

Leaving On A Jet Plane

This is a scheduled post. We will be making preparation to head to the airport with both mixed emotions of sadness and excitement on living in a new country. Who knows what this will lead us to next? This version of the song by Canadian Chantal Kreviazuk was on the Armageddon movie soundtrack. I grew […]

Cheerful young woman screaming into megaphone

Elle Me Dit

We finally moved out of our house and into temporary accommodation awaiting our trip to Paris. To celebrate, I think we need a French tune. I don’t know many French songs apart from the occasional ones I hear during Eurovision but here is one catchy tune from Mika (I know he is a Lebanese-born British)! […]


Sorry for the grim title. One thing that is certain in life is death. So, it is sad to hear one of the artists that I listened to when I was young has passed away. It came up as breaking news when I was in the kitchen preparing lunch. Sorry for the grim post but […]


It’s Friday Again

It’s funny how what my kids listen to influencing my spotify playlist. This is one catchy tune that made its way and very fitting for a Friday. The beats are addictive and gets stuck in a loop in my head. The track is called Friday by Riton x Nightcrawlers. Hope you enjoy it!