Category: General

wave, ocean, sea

Relaxing Wave Videos

I bet you would have seen hundreds of videos on Youtube which showcases looping audios and scenes to help one relax or simply used as some background sound. Well, I am to shy to be in front of the camera and I hate to hear my own voice. I discovered a genre of faceless videos […]

old books, book, old

Restoring Old WordPress Posts From Wayback Machine

Hi, you might have notice that some of my older posts have resurfaced. It is part of some work in progress which I mentioned earlier this year to restore my older posts. I did it manually through Web Archive but discovered a tool that can assist for free. The tool is called Archivarix. After completing […]

british airways, speedbird, britishairways

Lucky Day I Suppose?

I arrived back from London today after a business trip. The day started well when I did a self check in bag drop off on the terminal with my bag coming just 100 grams below my check in lugagge allowance of 23 kgs. I did not pre-weigh it and thought it was indeed well below […]

Public Domain Day

Well, almost a month late since 1st January 2023 but do you know every 1st January, thousands of works become copyright free? This is because the maximum period to protect the work and commercially profit from it ends. This year, see famous characters like Winnie The Pooh going into the public domain. This doesn’t mean […]

Life Doesn’t Happen to You, It Happens For You

I stumbled upon this quote that resonates with me. This time is from a renowed motivational speaker, Tony Robbins. It really got me thinking and reflecting about choices I make and the mystery of life. It fundamentally shifts your believe system from playing victim to be a victor. Of course, everyone’s circumstances are different and […]

Happy Chinese New Year!

Or some would prefer to call it Happy Lunar New Year! We manage to host a family friend on the eve to usher in the festivities. We manage to sneak into Chinatown in a spontaneous plan and it was indeed busy! I do miss the celebrations back in Malaysia but it has been many years […]

The Bravest Lion – A Story Written by AI

I was introduced to AI by a colleague and have been experimenting. I asked AI to write a Children Story about courage and the result is impressive. See the story below. Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a little lion named Leo. Leo was small for his age and […]

A Bit of Taste of Malaysia

Managed to end up in Staines Food Court for dinner last night and there was a Malaysian Stall called Onde Onde. I couldn’t resist by ordering one of the most popular dish Nasi Lemak with Chicken Rendang. It was nice to have some comfort food and I certainly do miss Malaysia after not being home […]

Red and Black Chairs in Stadium

Malaysian Wins Golden Globe Award

And finally, Michelle Yeoh wins a well deserving Golden Globe Award for her performance in Everything Everywhere All At Once! Lets hope it’s the Oscars next. Here is her speech at the press room post the ceremony and I hope she inspires a new generation of performers to reach for the sky!

Android Studio

I finally created my first Android App with Android Studio. I had prior experience before using a third party app creator which makes the experience this time around easier. My app with the highest installs is at 1,000+ and I am hoping that I can beat that record. It is now awaiting approval before being […]