Author: bennyong

We are back and open for business!

The Blog Returns

Hi Folks, I finally did it, I finally found the time to re-install WordPress and relaunch my blog! Thanks to WaybackMachine, I could get a screenshot on how the site looks like in 2005! A good 17 years ago… (Oh boy, how different life was back then) It was interesting that I could re-read those […]

winter, snow, cold

I Hate Snow

That is what I saw scribbled in snow on the front of a car. When I woke up this morning, I could see the owner warming up the engine. After breakfast, I took a peak at the balcony and saw that he has abandone his effort. Apparently the driver has given up as the snow […]

Black Wooden Fence on Snow Field at a Distance of Black Bare Trees

Snowing In Aylesbury

After hearing the people in the office talking about severe weather warnings, it came in full force after I got home. Will try and take a picture while walking to work tomorrow to show the full scale of the weather impact! Below are pics from my apartment window. I am freezing here!

Person Using Tromnbone

2010 London New Year Parade

I attended this years parade anticipating to see huge balloons like the below but not even one made an appearance. Where have they all deflated to? Despite the crowd, it was still cold and we left towards the end of the 3 hour long parade that started at noon. Click here to view the pictures that […]

santa claus, hot chocolate, christmas cookies

Secret Santa Gift

We gathered anxiously upstairs of the office near the break out area awaiting our gifts. The GM were singing tunes while passing us our presents and guess what did I get? A microphone as below. The budget of the gift was GBP 5.00 each and it was very thoughtful of the person since I worked […]

oscar, cup, trophy

I Got An Oscar

Look what took me by surprise on the desk in the office on Friday morning. A copy of the Oscar (this one has a Man-Gina! and akwardly holding a cup trophy) with my invitation to this year’s Office Christmas Party. I customized mine to say “Best Employee” and Trevor went a step further by placing […]

The Personal Blog of Benny Ong – » Blog Archive » US GreenCard Lottery

General October 23rd, 2007 If you ever dreamt about working or living in the states, make it happen by submitting your application for the Diversity Visa Program. This allows minority migrants to apply to get a Green Card that will allow you to stay and live there. The official site is It is free to enter and the submission […]