Category: General » Online Marketing

Archive for the ‘Online Marketing’ Category Being an internet marketer or internet entrepreneur, you might have encounter countless self proclaimed Internet marketing experts, tons of e-products such as e-books and software that makes extraordinary claims. But how do you know which is the best deal and not a fraud or just a rip off? Well, […] » 2006 » January

Archive for January, 2006 Finally, after two years of not being home for Chinese New Year, it has come and it has gone. Although the celebration lasts for about a week, the major days for my family are on the eve when we have our reunion dinner and the first day when our immediate relatives […]

2005 » December

Archive for December, 2005 Welcome to the new blog currently hosted on rather than sharing space with my parent company site I just installed it about two days ago and have been tied up with other stuff such as the soft launch of and It is approx 36 minutes before the […] » 2005 » December

Archive for December, 2005 Welcome to the new blog currently hosted on rather than sharing space with my parent company site I just installed it about two days ago and have been tied up with other stuff such as the soft launch of and It is approx 36 minutes before the […]

I Am Still Alive

Well, it has been a while since I really sat down and write a proper post. The reason is that I have been busy experimenting on several online projects (just an excuse). One of them involves messing around with a couple of blogs to get more hits for all of my sites. I have set […] » I Am Still Alive

Well, it has been a while since I really sat down and write a proper post. The reason is that I have been busy experimenting on several online projects (just an excuse). One of them involves messing around with a couple of blogs to get more hits for all of my sites. I have set […]

Back From Sweden!

Well, i just got back from Sweden about and hour ++ ago. It was snowing when I left Vasteras airport. It was super cool to see snow from the airplane windows. Yup, it might have been a while since I made any post on my blog. My effort just died off for no apparent reason. […]

Stayed At Home Instead

I did not go to work today. Well, I needed the rest anyways. I spent my time updating sites and catching up on paperwork for the company. Yup, the company needs a new website design as well. Don’t know when I manage to squeeze some time or even get the inspiration. I have been surfing […]


Charlie & The Chocolate Factory

My sister and I decided to go to Chinatown as it is the Mooncake Festival. I was not particularly keen about this celebration because I do not enjoy Mooncakes. It is not because I have anything against it, it is just something I would not choose to eat because I don’t like it. We took […]

Sales Assistant Shot At Harvey Nichols

Two People Shot AT Harvey NicholsYesterday, a sales assistant was shot twice in Harvey Nichols by her ex lover which took his own life as well. For you who are not aware. Harvey Nichols is situated very close to where I worked. The incident happened at 7:45 I believe when other sales assistants that saw […]