Author: bennyong

Passport Photos

Resident Permit or Passport Photos from your Phone

As part of moving to France and dealing with the authorities, we had to take several passport photos. We first had ours done at Timpsons as our kids were too short for the photobooths but were not quite please with the results and the costs. After obtaining our initial Visa to relocate to France, we […]


Have been travelling for work lately and had the pleasure to return to the UK for a night stay. Have been thinking about how nice some colleagues have been with me and how positivity is contagious. This leads to my quote about spreading happiness. It reminds me of a book by the late founder of […]

shopping cart

The Equivalent of Home Bargains in France

I am a bargain hunter and who isn’t. I discovered a chain called Action that is similar to Home Bargains or B&M back in the UK. Action is a dutch discount chain store that operates over 2000 shops across the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Poland, Luxembourg, Czech Republic and most recently Spain this […]

I’m Never Gonna Stop The Rain By Complaining

It’s been raining for four days in a row and making pick up and drop off from school a rather wet experience. Oh well, a german colleague once told me there is no bad weather but only bad clothes which empowers you to be in control. This leads me to my latest quote from the […]

La Camisa Negra – Juanes

One of the rare Spanish songs that gained airplay in our radio in Malaysia. This only shows that music is a global language. Out of curiousity I only found out that the title meant The Black Shirt. I can’t make up my mind if La Camisa Negra or Volverte A Ver is my favourite track […]

Side Hustle

Side Hustles

Well, what side hustles do you have? I just watched the netflix show “Get Smart with Money” and coincidentally a facebook feed showed someone flipping items online for cash. It got me thinking about planning about the future and entertaining the idea about early retirement. This inspired me to list an item on Facebook marketplace […]

5KM Run

Sporting Weekend With The Kids

I am super proud of both my kids over the weekend. We flew back to the UK to head over to Windsor for a corporate charity event. Upon arrival at the hotel, De Vere Beaumont Estate, I was overwhelmed by the scale of the event. I have only been with the company for a year […]


Doctor & Dentist Appointments in Paris

Woke up with a toothache and I manage to get an appointment to a Dentist and a further one for a Stomatologist using the app Doctolib for the same day. The experience were pretty seamless. The key thing is you need to register for the app Doctolib which gives you access to book consultation with […]

Build Me Up Buttercup – The Foundations

I first heard of this song from the movie “There’s Something About Mary” starring Ben Stiller and Cameron Diaz. It was recently that I found out that the band was british and formed in Bayswater, London where I used to live after graduating from University and working for H&M. The Foundations was multiracial and scored […]

Don’t Boil The Ocean

It is unavoidable that you start to hear phrases and repeated quotes at the workplace. After a year at my workplace, I keep hearing the phrase Don’t Boil The Ocean. This phrase or saying means not to undertake an impossible task or make it unnecessarily difficult. It is quite common we get pressented with tasks […]