Author: bennyong

Build Me Up Buttercup – The Foundations

I first heard of this song from the movie “There’s Something About Mary” starring Ben Stiller and Cameron Diaz. It was recently that I found out that the band was british and formed in Bayswater, London where I used to live after graduating from University and working for H&M. The Foundations was multiracial and scored […]

Don’t Boil The Ocean

It is unavoidable that you start to hear phrases and repeated quotes at the workplace. After a year at my workplace, I keep hearing the phrase Don’t Boil The Ocean. This phrase or saying means not to undertake an impossible task or make it unnecessarily difficult. It is quite common we get pressented with tasks […]


ParkRun France Suspended

My planned weekly dose of 5km run have been suspended for several months now. I found this out about a week ago after trying to find my closest event. I was looking forward to continue our weekly family run and feeding off the energy of other fellow runners. We are regular participants due to the […]

The French Equivalent to British Iceland Supermarket

I found a British Iceland Supermarket Chain equivalent in France. (Mentioning it as if I am the first person to identify their similarities) Picard specialises in Frozen Food and have a variety of ready meals and a wide choice of Frozen food. Unlike Iceland which sells fresh items as well, Picard is 99.9% frozen stuff. […]

Restoring My Old Posts!

Over the upcoming weeks, I am looking into recovering some old posts and combining it into my blog. I know some of the backups exist in my old drives and wayback machine. This will be a good experiment to re-populate the pages and re-uniting all the content to my current blog. If you see some […]

Happy Monday Folks!

Where did the weekend dissapeared to? Well, it is a sign of a weekend well spent. We attended a Birthday party at Trampoline Park, went to a local fair “Fete Foraine” near the kids school and bought stuff for the house. It is also the second weekend we spent in the house and we are […]

Red and White Metal Mail Box

Get Your Mail Redirected When Moving Abroad

Did you know Royal Mail can redirect your letters abroad for between 3 months to 1 year. This can be further renewed as needed. We setup the redirection roughly 2.5 weeks before heading of. Royal Mail do state that they need at least 5 working days to get this setup and recommend setting this up […]

La nuit porte conseil

In the spirit of immersing myself in French, here is a common saying in French “La Nuit Porte Conseil” which means “The Night Brings Advise”. This is equivalent to the English saying of “Sleeping On It”. Sometimes, it is easy to rush into decisions without taking the time to process the implications or what it […]

R.I.P Queen Elizabeth II

It is sad news and my kids are gutted. The longest reigning British Monarch have sadly passed away today. She was the only ruling British monarch in my lifetime so far. I admire her for the sense of duty she had and navigating through so many challenges from wars to scandals within the royal family […]

Quickest Way on Getting a French Mobile Number

Hi, I notice one of the key things since arriving in France is how important it is to have a French mobile number. This has allowed us to drop our kids at the creche in Ikea, register for our official documentations, order our washing machine and many more basic stuff. The quickest way I obtain […]