Recipes Universe
Seemed like the web development bug has bitten me again and ChatGPT has indeed made it way way easier. I have several SQL database dump in my harddrives gathering dust and I decided to showcase the information on static pages.
For this project, I used Materialize CSS Front End Framework with PHP and MySQL. The site is not 100% ready but functioning.
The site should be self sufficient and be funded by ad revenues. I intend to keep them light for the moment and let it aged.
My next project will hopefully include a jokes website, movie database (I created one during the pandemic but never recovered it after an error on the site), free fonts website, free online tools and free re-usable e-mails. Hopefully, I will have a collection of low maintenance sites that can use up the portfolio of short domains I have.
Visit Recipes Universe when you have some minutes to spare and let me know what you think.