The Personal Blog of Benny Ong – » 2007 » October

Oct 15


Ice Cream Cake

I am totally spoiled for this weekend with a non stop celebration of over 4 days for my birthday. I am sure it will all end today though. However, I woke up this morning (check out my messy yet stylish hair) to blow out candles of an ice cream cake that we got off from Baskin & Robbins in 1-Utama. The cake tasted marvelous and was very rich.

Later in the day, I went to Cheras for lunch and was back home to start installing my wireless router that I bought yesterday from the digital mall. I first setup my UPS whereby my cables still needs some tidying.

The wireless router from Net Gear certainly had better installation guides than Aztech. The installation took less than 20 minutes and now my whole house is finally covered with wi-fi. A final end to my struggle of getting the wireless connection up (due to my procrastination as well :)).

Can’t believe the long weekend is now over and can’t wait for what is in store for the week.

Benny Ong 

Oct 14


My modem went dead after the heavy rain and I remain puzzled to what has happened as everything was connected through a power surge protector. I later realized that the source could have been through my phone line instead. It was no harm as I wanted to replace my faulty wireless modem and router from Aztech anyways.

It was already in the pipeline to drop by the Digital Mall in PJ SS14 to get new hard disks and getting some additional gadgets should be no harm.

The Digital Mall in SS14

The place itself was no different from Low Yat Plaza and the drive there was certainly more pleasant. There were countless of floors with techie goods and my all time favourite IT Hypermart All I.T was situated on the top floor. I am always impress by the amount of stock they keep and it being displayed openly instead of asking someone over the counter like many other computer shops do. This outlet is definately a blessing as I hate driving all the way to Low Yat in the city center where it was the first All I.T I visited.

Just in case you need a map to get there which I extracted from their official website:

The only thing I disagree with the whole mall is the shops that charges consumers an additional 2% for paying with credit cards. I believe the sellers should take on the costs and not the consumers. I know there are certain merchant costs involved but if I were to run a business, I would calculate it in a way whereby I would absorb the costs and not my customers. I agree that there are rooms for arguments here but aren’t we moving towards a cashless environment whereby transactions through card should exceed spending cash like many advance countries?

Well, enough said before I get to deep into my views. I can’t wait to install my newly acquired purchases.

Benny Ong

Oct 13


What would be a better plan than Melaka to kick start the long weekend. I had mixed feelings on how the traffic would be like because of the holidays but braving it turned out to be well worth it because it was smooth sailing all the way. The traffic reports of it being jammed packed in the wee hours might have resulted the roads to be clear on the first day of the Hari Raya celebrations.

The drive to Melaka took about just under two hours whereby I finally saw MMU after hearing so much about it. I picked up Song Yia’s brother and friend before heading to the city center for A Famosa. There were not much additions since I was last here about 4 years ago but the only difference was I am now behind the wheels guided by a local.

On Top of St Paul’s Hill


A Famosa Fort: The Most Photographed Landmark in Melaka

Check Out My Big Cannon

It is also worth mentioning the newly discovered wall of the old fort which is just a stone throw away. There are plans to reconstruct the whole wall to it’s original setting. Let’s see how long that will take.


The Site of The Old Wall

The weather which was perfect for walking did not last long and we had to seek shelter in McDonalds opposite Melaka Zoo. Looking at the rain which did not showed any signs of slowing down, we gave up and headed back to our newly made friend’s house to watch Apocalypto directed by Mel Gibson.

After a short nap and refreshing shower, it was time for dinner. We headed to the Portuguese Settlement for food along the beach front stalls. The food was of decent quality and price. After dinner, we hanged out at Wings Music Café before making our drive home to KL.

All and all, it was another day well spent!

Benny Ong

Oct 12


I arrived in the office to be greeted by decorations on my desk with my pictures imposed on different characters. (Thanks to my dearest Song Yia for all the hard work). It was certainly a great start to a very eventful day. Soon before noon, we all gathered at the pantry for the birthday cake. It was a cheese cake which tasted very light which was perfect for the stomach before lunchtime.

Birthday Cake @ The Pantry


Posing With Fellow BTAs

We headed to our usual place in Kuchai Lama called Big Tree because where the eating place was under. We all feasted on a variety of dishes. It was surely very heart warming to see the whole bunch of amazing friends there and what a privellege it is to be working together with them. I always live by the principle of friends work better which is definately a bonus especially in the organization that I am in. It was back in the office later whereby all my presentations and conference calls went on well.
We soon headed to Daorae in Puchong for Korean BBQ. It is my second time but I am glad that JC came along as she finally made sense on how to dine. My family and I were at the same restaurant but the Taipan outlet and were clueless on what we were doing there. Regardless, the service we received was of unmatchable and the staff genuinely seemed polite and happy.

Korean BBQ for Dinner

Looking back at the day, it is scary that 1 year has passed and I can proudly say that it was a good year spent. No regrets! Just for fun, this post was what it was like a year ago.

Once again, it was all thanks to Song Yia for all the effort put in.

Benny Ong

Oct 11


I heard the door bell and there it was the rider for the parcel company, GDex. He mentioned my name and I nod as acknowledgement.

There it was on his hands, a parcel with my name on it. I instantly knew it was a prize from Astro looking at the address of its origin. I quickly ran in the house to open it up and there it came, Amy Winehouse’s album Back To Black (Malaysian Edition) worth RM 29.90 from Universal.

I was trying to recall which competition that I have participated as I haven’t been that active in the arena lately. The only ones I know of are from radio sites whereby lead me to discover the following page on website.

Although the value of the prize is small, it did cheered up my day. It is like an early birthday gift. It has been ages since I won any contests and I believe this is a start to the many more amazing competitions that I am going to win.

Take care all.

Benny Ong

Oct 10


My friends at the office was talking about this over lunch sometime back. I also had the chance to see their blog post on the topic which attracted me.

The website made to promote the upcoming movie The Golden Compass due to be released in Dec is using a smart way to reinforce it’s campaign. They are having a some sort of personality test that will apparently generate your daemon that matches to your answers.

Funnily enough, I did it the last time and the results matched the second time although I believe there were varations in my responses. They ask you a string of 20 questions and there are logical calculations behind that will determine your daemon.

Try it for yourself and let me know what are your daemons and honestly, it makes a great blog post I would say

– Benny Ong –

Oct 08


Greetings All,

In my casual browsing over the weekend, I discovered Joost. Joost is a system for distributing TV shows and other forms of video over the Web using peer-to-peer TV technology, created by Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis (founders of Skype and Kazaa). Apparently the Tycoon Li Ka Shing has a stake in the company as well.

I installed the application and have been watching some short comedies so far. The streaming quality is quite good despite my streamyx connection with the results as below:

The application is ad supported and have a very Web 2.0 feel to it. Navigation takes a while to get used to but once you get a hang on it, everything is simple. I can imagine this application running on all TVs one day.

In the world of Web 2.0, I believe this website is one of the best and as always free is good.

Well, if you do not intend to install anything on your machine, there are tons of video and movie sites out there such as below.

That’s all for now!

Oct 07


My PC has been making a strong and fairly loud noise lately. Well, to be honest for about more than a year since I was living in the apartments in Bukit Jalil. It never use to bother me because the PC was left out in the hall and no one sleeps there.

 Since moving to USJ, the PC has been setup in my room and the noise was becoming a nuisance. Although I tolerated it and was able to sleep, my mum somewhat believed that it did affected me in some ways. It is really uncanny but I think it did affected me to some extent.

Oh well, my room got repainted recently because of some wet spots and everything in my room have to be moved out. Although not favourable as I have to resort bunking in with my sis, it brought to me more benefits than ever. I took it as an opportunity to tidy my room and solve the long due problem of the mysterious noise originating from my PC.

As I open it up to search for the source of the noise, I realize it was from the processor cooling system. The fan that was covering the processor was practically clogged up with dusts and it reminded me of how my snort used to look like after travelling in the London undergound. A quick swab with a damp cotton bud solved the issue. Now, I am typing this blog post without having to tolerate the noisy fan that was overworking itself previously. I also get to enjoy my music freely without having to turn the speaker out loud to mask the noise.

 Ooo well, that’s all from me today and goodnite! 

Oct 04


A mail I received which I thought was worth sharing with some easter eggs in Microsoft’s application. Try them out and see it for yourself.


An Indian discovered that nobody can create a FOLDER anywhere on the

Computer which can be named as “CON”. This is something pretty

Cool…and Unbelievable…. At Microsoft the whole Team, couldn’t answer why this




For those of you using Windows, do the following:

1.) Open an empty notepad file

2.) Type “Bush hid the facts” (without the quotes)

3.) Save it as whatever you want.
4.) Close it, and re-open it.

is it just a really weird bug? :-??


Microsoft crazy facts

This is something pretty cool and neat…and unbelievable…

At Microsoft the whole Team, including Bill Gates, couldn’t answer why this happened!

It was discovered by a Brazilian. Try it out yourself…

Open Microsoft Word and type

=rand (200, 99)

And then press ENTER

Then see the magic………………………….

Oct 03

Online Marketing

Greetings all,

I’ll make this a quick post.

Russell Brunson (An internet marketer) has just created a new report and he’s paying his affiliates $1 for every

copy of the report they give away.

And if that wasn’t enough you’ll also get 50
cents for each copy your referrals give away.

Exciting stuff!

To get the report, go to


BTW, you will need to have a paypal account to receive your commissions. I am just trying this out and have no guarantees it will work but I look forward to my paypal balance increasing by the end of the month.