The Personal Blog of Benny Ong – » 2007 » May

Today, I attended my third wesak (Vesak) day celebration in London. The first was in 2004 when I was still a humble student at London South Bank University, second one in 2005 when I was working with H&M and third this year. Oh well, to the uninitiated, on Wesak Day, Buddhists all over the world commemorate events of significance to Buddhists of all traditions: The Birth, Enlightenment and the Passing Away of Gautama Buddha.

Although the date might have been a later from the exact date, I believe it was because of the arrangements and availability of Leicester Square Gardens for the event. The annual event in Leicester Square was made possible by London Fo Guang Shan Temple.

I had the company of my three other colleagues from KL at the celebrations which I believe gave us all an insight to how diverse the UK is and how people openly celebrate their beliefs.

On the topic of beliefs, I entered the 20 Million Pound Church of Scientology the other day after work. It was out of curiousity since I walk pass it daily on my journey to the office and after hearing about ages ago since Tom Cruise gave it the celebrity touch. I was amazed at the way the teachings are being presented and showcased. I would have stayed on if I wasn’t that hungry.

There was a documentary series called Panorama. Here are the links on Youtube (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4) on BBC’s investigation on the religion which I believe was very bias. However, everyone is entitled to their opinion. My beliefs are that everyone should have the freedom to choose whatever they want to believe in and we should not judge them if it brings happiness to the believer and not harm any life.