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I just attended an internet marketing preview at Copthorne Orchid Hotel, Penang for Stores Online. I have heard about them from a previous seminar preview which had certainly made me even more curious to find out more. As a bonus, they were offering a free meal and a planner just for me and my guest just for attending a roughly 2 hour event. I am pretty sure there is a massive catch for all of that but we will cover that towards the end.

I have big thumbs up for the event as credits have to be given to them for starting promptly and maintaining professionalism. I hate to say this but it is so much better than Malaysian based agencies that organize free previews for Anthony Robbins and other internet seminars which are often led by broken English speaking speakers. Every time I attend such badly organized events which are made to earn money as it is a business, I would not sign up towards the end no matter how amazing the package they were offering may seem. I believe since seminar previews are to create hype and get as much sign ups as possible for an event, they need to take the attendees seriously. Remember that the agencies that organize such previews get a cut or commission from the amount of sign ups. If an agency can place a horrible speaker for the preview with the intention of achieving max returns for their efforts, you should roughly know the characteristics of the company and attitude of the people running the company and what service you can expect from them in the future.

Enough of complaining, lets return to the preview I attended. Although what they were presenting at the event was very basic for most internet marketers, a lot that were present only had basic knowledge of the internet. I am glad that they manage to create awareness for how rewarding the internet can be and motivated hundreds that were present.

I often laugh whenever the price of a seminar is reviewed towards the end because they make it look like you just need to invest close to nothing after the bonuses if you commit yourself at that time. These bonuses are often made of self over priced items that are not available in the market like e-books for internet seminars. So, be careful on signing up and never consider the bonuses as it is just a marketing bait to make the event that is being promoted more saleable.

However, in this preview, they were promoting a whole day seminar that will be held in KL Marriot Hotel for only RM150.00 with a guest and they promise to offer RM250.00 transport subsidy for outstation participations claimable at the end of the seminar. This means that I am actually being paid RM100 just for attending it. So, since I have nothing to lose, I signed up for it. I am not doing it for the RM100 which will be stupid for anyone to do so. I would like to educate myself on what they will be presenting and the catch. They would not be offering anyone a free meal and organizers for nothing plus they are not making money from the RM150.00 charged. I am pretty sure that they will be making the big catch during the seminar and I am curios to know what it is about.

I did a quick search on the internet and all I see was bad reviews about the company. Being me, I would not listen to anyone and rather see it for myself but it does make things more exciting.

That’s all for the moment, I will update you on the seminar which I am attending on May 31st.

Take care and see you soon.

Benny Ong