Get Your Mail Redirected When Moving Abroad
Did you know Royal Mail can redirect your letters abroad for between 3 months to 1 year. This can be further renewed as needed. We setup the redirection roughly 2.5 weeks before heading of. Royal Mail do state that they need at least 5 working days to get this setup and recommend setting this up as early as 4 weeks.
What You Will Need
- You will need the old address and new forwarding/destination address
- A bank card with either the old or new address
- The names and date of birth of the folks you would like the letters to be redirected (Kids under 16 are included free)
Once ready, head over to the official website to register for the service. If you are redirecting for more than 8 people, you will have to do this with your delivery office locally.
Once you have paid, they will send a letter to your old address stating that a forwarding/redirection is in place. This is to prevent any fraud or forwarding without consent of the tenants living in the property. After that, you are pretty much set. Our letters took roughly a week from the posting date to arrive here in France and you can clearly see that it was relabelled in the local Delivery Office in the UK.
A sample of a redirected letter looks like below. There are no additional charges for the letters that gets forwarded to you.
Do note, the redirection does not include parcels or items not delivered to you by Royal Mail.
Hope this helps you when moving abroad!