The Blog Returns
Hi Folks, I finally did it, I finally found the time to re-install WordPress and relaunch my blog! Thanks to WaybackMachine, I could get a screenshot on how the site looks like in 2005! A good 17 years ago… (Oh boy, how different life was back then)

It was interesting that I could re-read those blogposts about events of my life that I do not necessarily recall. Well, back to the present. So, why did I decided to relaunch my blog? Well, I just finished roughly 8 weeks of an online strategic course that had 3 weekly assignments and felt a little bit bored.
Furthermore, I had put my online ventures to a pause for several years and decided that in order for me to keep my self updated, I need to be in the game. So, managing the content, server and everything that comes with running a site is part of my lifelong learning…
So, what does an old man like me have to share?
Well, I know blogging is a bit old school compared to choreographed TikTok videos and all the other content creators out there. My objective is to post about things that I would like to share and my personal adventures. I have already got a flood of ideas in my head but there are things that I need to sort out first with the site before we get into that. Hopefully it won’t be too long now…
Stay tune folks and if you did accidentally stumbled on this page, I sure hope you do stick around and enjoy the ride…