The Personal Blog of Benny Ong – » Blog Archive » Problems With TVR-Plus TV Card

Apologies for dull information lately. The thing is that I haven’t managed to get internet connection at my new place and lots have been happening at once.

The TV card (PVR-TV878) that I’ve bought from Low Yat Plaza was installed and is now finally up and running. It was not working at first as every time I start the program, an error message stating that there were problems running honestechTV.exe.

So, I decided to surf to the vendor’s website as stated on the box which was and looked for the driver. I found patch available for my Windows XP Sp2 Operating System. That fixed the issue.

The problem was because the software or driver was not working properly with Windows XP Service Pack 2.

If you are ever facing problems with any newly bought Graphic Cards, Audio Cards, TV Cards and so on, always surf to the vendor’s website and search for the latest drivers. Most vendors release updates and patches on their sites. Just go to Driver Downloads section of their website.

That’s all for the moment. Well, I promise that I will release couple of free downloads soon.

See Ya…

Benny Ong