Ziki.com is Not Another Friendster
After the birth of Friendster came MySpace.com, Hi5, WAYN, Zorpia, Namesdatabase and Malaysia even had it’s own Kawanster.
Well, I stumbled upon a new one I just found over someone’s blog and it is called Ziki. The reason that it is worth mentioning is because Ziki is really different as it is not a blog or a photo hosting service. Instead, it accumulates all of that together and centralizes your internet posting and activities into your Ziki profile. They will not physically store the info instead they will syndicate the content through RSS. Most web blog applications like WordPress or blogger have this. If you are not sure what RSS is, it is known as Really Simple Syndication. Do a quick search and read more about it.
You may add as many RSS feeds as you like. I choose to add my blogs rss content and have the intention to add my Flickr and Youtube content to it if works.
There were currently 1200 Zikis at the time I register and there will certainly be more Zikis in the near future. Quicky reserve your name first by registering.
Have a look at my Ziki at http://ziki.com/people/bennyong
Well, have fun and take care of yourself.
Benny Ong XXX